Our Products
Our products and enthusiastic urge to come up with new products often overwhelms our business planning, and as a result we have a range that is probably greater than most multinationals! Its not just the ranges – extra jams, marmalades, no added sugar spreads, curds, bottled fruits, chutneys, sauces, relishes – it’s also the breadth of variation in jars which range from 35g single portion units to 1.1kg, perfect dinner party-size fruits in liqueur jars.
UK Grown
It goes without saying that we source as much UK fruit as we can for our products: apples, plums, damsons, strawberries, tayberries, loganberries, blackcurrants, blackberries. For example, though there are some fruits which are difficult to obtain such as cherries due to short season and high fresh demand from retailers.
Based in a converted Oast House – the traditional Kentish hop drying kiln. We combine artisan skills of small batch production and specialist hand-labelling with a significant array of support machinery and equipment;
- our pasteurising water tanks are ideal for heat treating bottled fruits and warm-filled preserves, which is rarely seen elsewhere;
- in-line filling, capping and metal detection is available for larger production runs (for us a long production run is 300 jars!
- we have two kitchens which enable us to segregate production when required;
- we both traditional small batch cooking vessels as well as larger steam jacketed kettles enabling us to produce batches from 40 to 120kg